Sunday, November 2

Blogger hates me again. As anyone can see my template decided to randomly fuck itself over. *sighs*

*wills template to fix itself*


Kitty typed random crap at 21:03

Thursday, October 30

Conscious self
Overall self
Take Free Enneagram Personality Test


Kitty typed random crap at 17:42

Tuesday, October 28

That's all I have to say.fnord

Kitty typed random crap at 18:55

Monday, October 27

Tomorrow is maths, and after tomorrow, I'll never have to do maths ever again. And I'm going to burn the maths exam paper, page by page in my brother's kettle barbeque. And I'm going to giggle gleefully. And then I'm going to study for modern. yay.

I'm so pining for conversation right now. But almost no-one is online, so I'll make a random list or two.

I'm pining for:
-conversation, with anyone
-human social interaction, outside of my family
-money of my own
-a conversation with jenny, because it's been WAAAYY too long
-a legitimate excuse to see Erin, because her bitch-nazi parents are going to keep her under lock and key until after the exams
-the hsc to be OVER. It's getting old already.
-my P's. I need to organise more driving lessons..

I'm amused by:
-The way Mike and Luke alternate between sucking up to eachother and pissing eachother off
-Having a certain person's email
-The fact that I'll have extreeeeme power at schoolies. *giggles* power is so much fun!

I'm looking forward to:
-Not having to write stupid essays anymore
-Not having to do pointless maths things
-The formal
-Summer and thus copious amounts of time up the beach
-Getting some money of my own
-Farewelling certain ick people from my life forever. Yay!

To Do list
-Go down to Canberra, which reportedly is less of a hole once you're 18
-Go up to the beach to prepare the house for schoolies
-Buy large quantities of booze
-Finish reading "Return of the King"
-Re-read "The Secret Garden"
-Read "The Princess Bride"
-Watch all the crappy teen movies I've not yet seen
-Sit in the shade on my primary school oval and make a clover chain
-Feel mud squelch between my toes
-Play on a swing set
-Build a website from scratch

I had a dream last night that Luke replaced his current template with a really bugly one. I was horrified. What a strange dream. Anyway, I think I'm done now. Have I wasted enough webspace? I think so.fnord

Kitty typed random crap at 21:17

Friday, October 24

I had a fantastic night tonight. I went to Mike's houseand played video games with him, Luke and Evan, and then watched them play pool. (I suck at pool) There was sexual innuendo, not as much as last time, and deli chips. Twas good. Mike and I played this hideously sexist beach volleyball game which we (eventually) kicked ass at. It only took us five goes. :D

So I was on a high from laughing heaps and having fun, then in the car on the way home, that this sort of evening is exactly what I'm going to miss next year. Just wasting time, being stupid, laughing at anything and everything especially your own silliness. I'm sure it'll happen next year, but it just won't be the same somehow. Because I've seen it happen before and... yeah. It sucks.

I worry about making friends next year. Because well, I've never been very good at it. And whatever freinds I make next year will have such high standards to live up to. The friends I have now rock so much, and..... I'm getting sentimental so I'm going to shut up now.

Kitty typed random crap at 23:52

Thursday, October 23

Things to say, but no inclination to say them. Yeah I know, I'm lazy. Have a bitch, see if i care. I'm tired.

Kitty typed random crap at 21:55

Tuesday, October 21

Why Kitty bitches.

It's really quite simple.
Bitching is generally triggered by one of three things
1. Offence against someone I care about
2. Offence against me
3. Boredom

I'll go backwards, because, well, I feel like it.
3. Anyone who knows me, knows I'm often bored. And occasionally, I'll resort to bitching to cure my boredom. This is when I bitch about people and things which just piss me off, for little or no apparent reason. This is, I suppose, light hearted bitching, venting etc. Mostly harmless.

2. If someone does something against me, of course I'm going to have a bitch. Anyone would. Like, dah.

1. First/last, and the most important and valid reason to bitch. If someone hurts anyone I care about, I get pissed off. If I bitch about someone regularly, it's pretty much a sure bet that they've hurt someone I care about, or at least done something nasty to them.

Let's take a completely hypothetical situation. Let's say there's this girl, who I've known for several years. We're relatively good friends, and she's really close to my best friend. She's pretty nice, but she starts to change. She starts doing all the things she used to condemn. And then one day she ditches her best friend for some guy she's just met. Oddly enough, her friend is devestated, the friendship, in effect, is over. She really hurt my best friend. Now, for some strange reason, let's say i attempt to maintain the friendship between me and this girl. But then she decides to turn on me as well, treating me like crap and being in general, a bitch.
In this situation, do you think I would be justified in bitching about this girl?
Now, add to the situation the fact that this girl, who has already hurt my best friend, is dating someone else who I care about. She hardly has a good track record, so of course, I'm petrified she's goign to rip his heart out and step on it.
Am I justified in bitching about her yet?
Of course I would be. Anyone who says otherwise obviously has little empathy for their friends.

Kitty typed random crap at 19:40

Sunday, October 19

everyone else was doing it.


-- Personality Disorder Test - Take It! --

Kitty typed random crap at 21:00


I'm in a good mood.
"Why?" you ask.
I've gone insane. :D Isn't that fantastic?

I wish I had a swimming pool. It's been so hot today. I'm pining so badly for the beach.





Kitty typed random crap at 15:49

Thursday, October 16

Things that disturb me.
-I have not studied. Not really anyway. Token studying, if that.
-I am thus FUCKED. No really, I am. Honestly.
-I don't even care. I KNOW I should study. I know I should work. BUT:
-I've been more lazy lately than I have in my entire life. And that's saying something. I'm too lazy to even get myself food. And that's REALLY saying something.

I'm so strange lately. I miss my friends and I'm accutely aware that it's only going to get worse. I'm only going to move further and further away from my sphere of comfort. And maybe I'll make a new one. But it's so hard to reconcile myself to the fact that things can never be the same again. I sound like a fucking broken record.


I hate pondering the nature of existence. I really do. I refuse to believe that the whole point of living is trying to decide whether you actually are living. That didn't make any sense. I don't make any sense. It's late, and I'm lonely, and I've nothing to say or do...

Right now, I want something more.

Kitty typed random crap at 23:20